Bible Study Set

Explore what the Bible teaches about the first chapters of Genesis. This study complements the film Is Genesis History? by providing an in-depth look at what Biblical authors say about six key doctrines associated with Creation, Adam and Eve, and the Flood. Set includes videos and study book (printed or digital). Click here for online watching options.

This study is intended to complement the film Is Genesis History? by looking at six key doctrines introduced in the first chapters of Genesis. These doctrines are related to the gospel and are important to understanding the nature of our salvation.

After all, Genesis records the foundational events in the history of the world. Jesus Himself was there at the beginning, forming everything according to His purpose. As the Apostle John tells us, “All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” (John 1:3)

Genesis is therefore central to the work of Jesus Christ. Our hope is that by the end of this study you will better understand how the first chapters of Genesis are related to His plan of salvation.

Included DVD is not the feature film, but 6 new videos that compliment the study.

Lesson Titles: 

  1. Genesis as a Book of History: The Doctrine of Revelation – Dr. George Grant, Pastor (8:33)
  2. The First Seven Days: The Doctrine of Creation – Dr. Stuart Burgess, Engineer (10:28)
  3. Man, Life, & Science: The Doctrine of the Image of God  – Dr. Kurt Wise, Paleontologist (8:17)
  4. Adam, Eve, & the First Sin: The Doctrine of the Fall – Dr. Douglas Kelly, Theologian (6:34)
  5. The Global Flood: The Doctrine of Judgment – Dr. Marcus Ross, Paleontologist (5:13)
  6. The Importance of History: The Doctrine of Providence – Dr. Paul Nelson, Philosopher (7:55)

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Sample Lesson

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Watch Lesson 1: “Genesis as a Book of History”