Dr. Larry Vardiman discusses his understanding of climate change, global warming, and the stability of the climate.
DEL: Well there is a lot of talk about climate change today. How does that fit into what you understand?
LARRY: Well some people are concerned that we may be going back into another ice age and this really it helps us to understand why some people are so concerned about the short period of global warming or cooling. There is a viewpoint within the community of paleo climatologist – these are people who study old climates – that just before an ice age starts they believe there’s an instability so that the climate gets very warm and then it gets very cold and it’s oscillating. So they see the climate as very unstable, very sensitive to small changes. So if we put in population in the atmosphere, particles or gases, and possibly contribute to some instability then it will suddenly go to an ice age. As a young earth creationist I believe that the atmosphere and climate is very stable. In fact it took a major catastrophic event like the Genesis flood to kick off the climate change that we saw that produced the ice age. So that’s why there’s a major difference in viewpoint between different people about how unstable or stable the climate is.
DEL: So again the conventional paradigm seeks to understand all that through current processes. So we have almost natural events going on that create ice age after ice age as opposed to what you’re saying and that is that if you’re going to get an ice age you have to have some really, really catastrophic events and some very unique conditions.
LARRY: Very high energy events in order to be able to cause the atmosphere to react the way it did.